WIP Meme

Apr 26, 2012 00:56

Stolen from withdrawnred.

Post the first sentence (or three) from every WIP you're currently working on, even if it's very short. Then invite people to ask questions about your WIPs. With any luck, the motivation to take that WIP one step closer to completion will appear as if by magic!

These are all first paragraphs as my first sentences aren't really "grabbers." They're actually pretty boring. Lol. Oh, and #4 isn't exactly a first sentence/paragraph because I don't have a first sentence just yet. It's more of a jumbled all over the place bit of writing at the moment.

1. It wasn’t often that Hermione dressed up. She was very much the kind of girl who was more at home in a well-worn pair of jeans and a fuzzy jumper. But every once in a while, an occasion would come along that called for something a little more special.

Today was one of those days.

2. When it came to her looks, Hermione was not a vain person. She was tidy and clean, of course, and like any woman, she occasionally liked to dress up and feel pretty. But when it came to her daily appearance, she just couldn’t be bothered to preen and primp. It felt silly to doll herself up to garner attention as that was not where her value lie. Hermione’s greatest asset was her mind, and if people could not get past her appearance to discover it, then they were not worth her time. She was not one to compromise who she was because of how others thought she should be.

Yet, all her values and sense of self did not help her feel any less inadequate when a goddess walked into her office.

3. The young witch awoke with a gasp. The knot on the back of her head throbbed sharply and she had to fight to keep her eyes open. She had to get out of here. She wanted to sleep so badly, but knew that she couldn’t give in.

He would be back soon.

4. Draco went numb, and the world began to blend in with the sickening green colour of St. Mungo's walls. Potter was saying something to him, but everything sounded garbled as if he were under water. What did they mean she was gone? That was impossible. His life did not operate without her. It was a mistake and he told them that, but they just kept looking at him sadly as if he was a child that didn't understand.

He understood perfectly, thank you very much, and they could get another healer in there to fix it! He was hysterical and crying in front of Weasley and Potter, of all people. And they were crying, too.

Everything in the world was wrong.

Then, a mediwitch appeared at his side handing him a small, warm bundle swaddled in pink. The blanket seemed especially bright amongst the dullness of the walls and his grief. He looked down at the tiny girl with wispy blonde curls. Maybe there was a little bit of something right left after all - something to keep his heart beating. He only hoped he would not let his daughter down as he had her mother.


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