Jul 24, 2005 04:57
well i hate poetry.com, because they have so many rules to post your works, so i will post my work here, this is just something i worked on, nothing great, but its pretty deep, its called
"Father Nature"
As the Sunset Burns the Horizon,
Father Nature Weeps.
In an act of Desperate proportions,
Father Nature snaps off a thorny vine
and wraps it around his arm.
After the sweat beaded on his
forehead and the tears stained his cheeks,
Father Nature tugged on the
weed relentlessly until
circulation was cut off,
and his own blood stained
the horrid shrub.
His pupils dilated as the
Poison tips abused and penetrated
his skin.
Father Nature became temporarily intoxicated
by the mixed feelings of Death and Sorrow
as the poison coursed his veins.
The mixture of Crimson Tears and poison
ran down the vine and dripped off the thorns,
staining the soil.
As Father Nature's senses shut
down,he peacefully closed his eyes.
Father Nature crumpled face first
into the blood stained soil.
As Father Nature Layed there, lifeless, his body decomposed and soaked into the grass and flowers of the forest floor,bringing new life to old terrain and becoming one with nature after all.
Kind of a darker theme, basically showing two themes in life: the feeling of rejection and abandonment ( this is based on Father Nature, as you know, the old saying is always Mother Nature, which makes Father Nature an unknown character) Another Theme to this work is Irony. After Wanting to be a part of nature, Father Nature ends his life, and finally becomes part of nature. so in retrospect, is this work actually sad or is it fulfilling, i mean, he did get what he wanted. i'll let you think about it :o)