Jul 07, 2009 15:54
Love, like a river, will cut a new path
whenever it meets an obstacle.
- Crystal Middlemas -
Love is like a mountain,
hard to climb,
but once you get to the top
the view is beautiful.
- Daniel Monroe Tuttle -
To the world you may be one person,
but to one person you may be the world.
- Bill Wilson -
Love isn't blind; it just only sees what matters.
- William Curry -
A Friend's Love says:
" If you ever need anything,
I'll be there."
True Love says:
" You'll never need anything;
I'll be there."
- Jimi Hollemans -
Love is like a piece of art work,
even the smallest bit can be so beautiful.
- Stacie Cunningham -
The key that unlocks the bars of impossibility.
- Fikayo Ositelu -
Finding love
is like finding one answer
to all of your prayers.
- Jennifer Regimbald -
You know you've found love
when you look in their eyes
and find yourself.
- Monique Patton -
The bond of two peoples love cannot be broken,
Bend it, twist it, do what you will with it;
If it is true love then the sun will rise another day.
- Cody Heller -
So many ways to say, "I love you",
never enough to say how much.
- Cameron Rand -
Life is short,
but love is forever.
- Derek Probizanski -
The spaces between your fingers were created
so that another's could fill them in.
- Author Unknown -