Note to self: Continue Love Monster summaries. And Fruits Basket summaries. And don't start reading any new manga, no matter what.
Love Monster is such a cool series. It puts a whole new meaning to the words 'magical boys'. I mean, you've heard of 'magical girls' (i.e.: Sailor Moon), and often, in the end of the day, it is the girl who actually defeats the bad guy... but, wow...
look at them.
By the way, I'm on Chapter Five right now. It's pretty unbelieveable that I'm already a Jiro/Osora fan, when obviously, in the end, the pairing will be Kouro/Osora. I can list all the pairings I like that are really weird, but at the end of the day, there are just too many of them.
I'm going to delete Chapter Two, Three and Four off my computer and then re-download them when I get the chance to do summaries. Actually, I might not do summaries and only do them when I feel like it. But then I might not ever do a summary again because I might think they're boring or something, but really, they're fun to do, I just hate uploading the manga scans. Nyah.
Problem solved: don't upload manga scans.
I'm kidding, my page doesn't look as pretty without all the links there.