(no subject)

Sep 01, 2005 18:29

I think this is a time for everyone, caring about the news or not normally.... to check in periodically with news channels and websites and papers. This truely is the Tsunami of America, and it could of happened just as easily in New York as we are overdo for a strong hurricane... and NYC doesn't even have levies in the event of a hurricane. Hurricane Katrina has become the kind of story that you'd see about the 1908 earthquake in LA, or the 1900 Hurricane in Galveston, TX where 12,000 people died. The potential exists for the death toll to rise to those types of numbers, and btw who's ready for gas prices approaching 4 bucks a gallon within the next week?

seriously, to ignore the news right now is simply inhumane and even irresponcible
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