being treated like shit and the rare anti-drug message, all presented to u by CONE

Apr 24, 2005 05:16

I haven't been strong in a long time. The only way I will ever be strong again is to completely rebuild myself, and that's going to take a long fuckin time. I'm not as dumb as I look, and I'm definately not as dumb as the things I do. If I'm being pushed around all day then of course I'm gonna purposely fuck up everything I'm asked to do, just to ( Read more... )

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Re: by the way xfromtheashesx April 26 2005, 12:29:28 UTC
shayne... most of this entry was not referring to you at all. The drugs part was but I did not want you to think that I was siding with anyone, cuz I know there are people out there that basically bitch you out daily for having fun. All I am saying is that even I get worried sometimes, and when it all comes down to it yeah I would rather you not do some of the drugs you do. It's not so much that I'm worried about you overdosing, but more because I don't want to see you fuck up your personality and on top of that fuck up your musical talent. Health is a concern but I know you aren't a dumbass and I have pretty high confidense that you won't overdo it. Anyway man I don't really want you to sweat this, it seems you took it in slightly over-blown context. By the way I know I've agreed to try other shit than weed and honestly, ever since I did Opium again that's become like my favorate thing to do in the world, but the way I see it is I'm already a pretty fucked up person on the inside as it is, nobody really sees that but let's just say that me sitting at my house not around my friends is a much different person and yeah I know there's a lot of reasons for that but there's also alot of questions. I mean I really do have some kind of severe mental problem that has never really been figured out. I'm just affraid that even if harder drugs have minimal effects on the body that they'll make me like an even more fucked up person . Don't worry man you are still among my top 3 best friends and even if I got like hardcore against drugs or weed even I still wouldn't be against you and I wouldn't be takin' this whole "you doing drugs is hurting out friendship" stance cuz I think that is rediculous, just like I always did. Anyway I hope you get this cuz I was extremely surprised that you actually were online to read my lj entry, and I actually was going to clear the part that u misunderstood up anyway.


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