Jul 14, 2005 23:35
hmmm...how was today?im not rele sure...it was ok i guess...lol im not rele sure how it was...
well i got up this morning at 9:45 and i went to krystals yummy :D
then i went to the dentist...i had to get two frekin spaceres replaced...b/c i ate stuff i wasnt suppose to.first i was eacting a chicken leg hehe then i was eating some gummie worms...woops :(lol but ohh well
*but im getting green* : D
then we went and got kevin and he cutt or grass...
and i was very nice i got him a wet rag and washed his face and feet...it was kinda grose...but he was tired so i helped him out!
im rele bored right now...so some1 call me...i would give u my number but kevin said to never do that again!so0o...yea ask some1 4 my # call me!!!
and the parent thing is ok well make it...my mom is just getting more awesome!
she is great!
i love u guys.
call me.