(no subject)

Nov 16, 2004 21:19


banner made for me by beatfulbreakdwn
Rules: Don't add me to make your friends list bigger. I make a strong effort to comment on everyone's, so if you don't plan on commenting once in a while you might as well forget adding me. Update your journal every so often. Don't create any conflicts with my other friends. Use proper grammar, and don't even bother adding my if you "TyP3 LyK3 DiS Yo0o0o0o!". If I have nothing in common, or if I just don't like you, you won't be added. Don't talk about what I type on here to other people. I made it friends only for a reason! Do not come here asking for layout help, their are communities to help you with that. If you agree to those then read the box below friends only add me. comment. wait to be added back. ♥
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