Jul 07, 2005 10:58
I drove Tony to work this morning at around 7:00am so instead of driving all the way back to Nassau I am hanging out in the Stony Brook port jeff area today and as such I have posted myself up at the stony brook since site.
I would like to take this time to say that Anberlin cd "Never take Friendship Personal" has not stop rocking me since the day it arrived in my mailbox thanks to my man K-shizzle. For those unintiated I would say it is a emo that falls somewhere between the rocking side of fallout boy and occasionaly stints in 80's rock (guitar solos and some vocal effects that remind me of something from the 80's that I can not quite place my finger on but not in a gay hair band and makeup kind of way, in a good way). Shizzle I will be returning the favor by sending you some cheese shortly.
I may go catch amatinee of Land of the Dead and ofcourse if time permits i will grace you all with another one of my famous movie reviews which have been far to absent recently.
I will defintiely be seeing War of the Worlds later tonight after capoeira and it will be way to late for me to write a review then.
This next part is jsut for fun and you can reply and post your own fun ideas but keep in mind this doesn't change anything that I wrote previously. Colleen is a nice girl, a young girl who was emoitionally confused and din't know how to handle that. Nothing has changed, if she decides to start calling me we maybe friends or more who knows but for now enjoy the following... Things I could have said to Colleen:
***ring***ring*** Hello...Colleen?..Colleen who?
***ring***ring*** Hello...Colleen?...Impossible, Colleen is either dead or made the decision to never speak to me again, this can't be Colleen. Goodbye.
***ring***ring*** Hello...Colleen?...Impossible Colleen decided never to talk to me but as long as you a bringing up bad things that have happened to me why don't you come down here give me a nice paper cut and poor lemon juice all over it.
***ring***ring*** Hello..Oh Hey Colleen...oh really thats good...Hey remember when we were talking about writing and shit and you said you never really wanted to be an author?...yeah right, well I was thinking you could write a book called how to misrepsrent your feelings and mislead older men or how about this one How I ruined Mike summer vaction, what do you think?
***ring***ring Hello...Colleen...hold on a second...Sorry are you still there...can I call you back...ok I'll call you soon (the trick here is that I don't really call her, get it?)
***ring***ring Hello...Colleen...hold on a second..Sorry are you still there...good FUCK YOU FOR NOT CALLING ME ***CLICK***