Apr 16, 2005 21:58
No really I am sick and I am tired. I left work early last night, called out sick today and am still trying to stay awake and healthy enough to focus on school work. So I decided to divert myself briefly and update you the fans. I got my dashboard tickets, or should I say "we" got our tickets Emilia. I got some cool new lightsaber toys and I can not stop thinking about Episode 3. I can not wait for this semester to end. Colleen decided to talk to me again, like in a "i'm diggin you" tone but without those words just those sitting next to me and walking me to class way. But I still think she just "likes" she doesn't like like me in the kevin arnold winnie cooper way, or even the kevin arnold becky slader way. If you are in the market for pussy piano rockl check out the new Mae cd, everglow it is good in a mellow chill out go to sleep kind of way which I like from time to time. i also rediscovered how much I like th emovielife cd this time next year. By the way I am typing this upside down on a laptop so I trust you will understand if this is less coherent than usual and filled with even more typos. I more month to E3 which means Revolution will soon be a reality- if you don't know ask somebody.