Oct 30, 2004 11:06
It is raining and I am at work, and as such should be doing more work related things but I am here to entertain you....are you not entertained?
So surfer girl and I have been getting along like ganbusters, and even got her phone number. To top that off she wants to hang out togetehr on Halloween. I am not sure this is going anywhere but but I am leaning towards "somewhere" because the other day she began to tell me about some family issues of hers which she preceded with "I don't know why I am telling you this stuff....I don't like to talk about it..." This leads me to believe she is getting very comfortable with me, and our excessive chumminess on campus of late coincides with this theory. The big hitch is what happened to the guy in her life, and is this "somewhere" somewhere with holding hands and kissing or just somewhere with hugs hello and friendship? I would take either, as she is a pretty decent chick, I must say.
I saw SAW, it was not that hot and if I get bored or find more time later today perhaps I will give you the full low down.
California in less than a week. Excitement and self doubt, whatr a great combination
And I almost forgot Halloween is tomorrow- well I guess I didn't forget because I mentioned above regarding surfer girl but none the less two words Bad Santa