Our future

Jan 26, 2008 18:57

The last two days was fun-filled. Thursday was orientation for school. Vet Tech and Res. Therapy were together. Lots of people. We were reallyyy nervous. We got good seats...it felt like high school all over again lol. There was this butch behind me, who later said that I reminded her of her ex who's in jail. Haha. She looked very young..but her and this girl who buddied up with us later on were talking about children..and the butch said she had a 27 year old. So she wasn't as young as we all thought..she said she was close to 50.

RT went to a very very very very veryy small room to get our books. The night instructor who was there said that some people didn't get all their books so we were like..great, but luckily we got all of them. Our shoes and 2 sets of scrubs were there YaY!! We were very excited about our books. We got a medical dictionary and all sorts of goodies...even a pocket guide that fits right in your scrubs..which will be good for clinicals.=]

My scrubs were kinda small..they fit but they weren't comfy so I wanted to take them back, same with the shoes (Sarah and I just traded...she got the size that I needed and she traded hers in the next day) But Chandler decided to make my scrubs his...no actually he didn't spray..he just peed all over them..Nice. So those are just going to be used for after-pregnancy and Sarah's going to let me use hers, which are big but that's going to come handy when I start to show later on through the pregnancy.

The first day of school for us started 30 mins late because we couldn't get up...see I have this power of being warm and snuggly so when Sarah woke up to the alarm (cause I don't hear SHITTT when I sleep) she decided for "just 15mins" she's gonna turn over and hold me..and that turned into exactly 45 mins until she jumped up and yelled for me to wake up lol.

Amazingly enough we got there early...course I didn't get my orange juice but that's fine..I get grouchy when I don't get it so she paid for it lol.

You know when there's that ONE annoying kid..who dwells and dwells and dwells and then asks a question that has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING and then ARGUES with the TEACHER!?!? Yeah...we have one of those. We give him maybe 6 days..which is how long we're going to be Medical Terminology. In 6 days we have 4 quizzes and 1 final exam. If you miss 2 days you lose a whole grade and if you don't get higher than a C you restart the class so many times until you're dropped. Our first assignment was root words, which we finished within an hour of the day and gave us 3 hrs to blow. The annoying kid..who's actually I guess 30, kept dwelling to the teacher about the first root word and that went on for about 15 mins til sadly enough she told us to take our first 10 mins cause of that. We got our packets and such about the class and some study guides, which we've done. Come to find out..our medical terms are all root words combined. Haha. Sarah knows all the root words, and I know most of them so we should be good for the quiz that's on Monday. Sarah just informed me that the 10 pages of flashcards that we printed out for the medical terms AND the root words we have to know by Friday! They really do mean fast-paced lol.

Believe it or not, it's fairly simple. We think that we're the youngest ones in the class. Since either Zachary or Cheyenne may be on the way (I have 6 more days to go to test), we might want to wait off on the travelling. We could make tons as travelling RTs...there was a job to go to Hawaii and the hourly pay for that was $57 and the company pays for EVERYTHING!! And if you finish your shift, you get $100 A DAY! Then you do that for 3-6mths!! We graduate in 18mths so Zach( we're calling the baby Zach cause we already bought a take home outfit cause it was on clearance for Target and there were 3 outfits for 10 bucks but it was for a boy, and the girls were sold out..so hopefully it's going to be a boy or a very boyish girl =P) won't even be a year and it's good to get at least a years experience before travelling so then Zach won't be two so maybe we will travel but we don't want our kids to be too far apart. But if we travel for about 4 years, we could SAVE $350,000..and that's just savings. There won't be rent or any bills cause they pay the amenities and there's plenty of money for all of us to have fun with. The good thing to do that is when we settle...so far we wanna settle in Maine, we'll have enough for downpayments on a house that has 5 bed/3 bath, 20 acres of land, then we could BUY 2 brand new very equiped vehicles: Nissan Titan and Honda Pilot, a boat, jet ski, 2 atvs, 2 motorcross bikes and then the kids could have their own. How fucking awesome is that!?!? And..the good thing if we wait to do all that with only Zach, he could be our helper with the little ones. By the time they get older, they'll already have a good college fund. So we're pretty excited.

Sorry this is so long; I haven't really updated a long one in a while. Right now though we're trying to rent out the third bedroom and bath so we can save for the baby, which is another exciting part of my life. I'm going to be a mother. Sarah's going to be mother too. the two of us getting our life together. We're so ecstatic! I'm going to be a college graduate, a Registered Respiratory Therapist, a wife, a mother and all this in a year and a half and I won't even be 21! And I'm going to have my best friend and my wife along with me!

Anywho, this is getting EXTRA long lol.

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