Anarchy in South Italy

Oct 22, 2010 21:41

"In questa società... per bene che ci vada, la vita è una noia... sconfinata...
In questa società... nulla... assolutamente nulla riguarda le donne...
Dunque... a tutte le donne che non hanna paura nè delle responsabilità, nè delle emozioni sconvolgenti, non ci resta che... rovisciare il governo, eliminare il sistema monetario, istituire l'autonomazione completa e distruggere il sesso... maschile..."

Scum - AreA

"In this society, if we cross our fingers, life is extremely boring...
In this society... nothing... absolutely nothing is about women...
So... to all those women who are not afraid of responsibilities or upsetting emotions,
we just have to... overthrow the government, eliminate the monetary system, establish the complete autonomy, and destroy male sex..."

Scum - AreA

Italy has never known the punk movement... at least not as much as America and England did...
Still, we had our "Joe Strummer": Demetrio Stratos...
We can still be proud of someone... 
That's why I wanted to translate this...


people italy can still brag about, bilingual post, what they use to call punk, know your rights, ol'italian glory, all you young punks

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