Ye Olde #xfr Reunion

Sep 19, 2005 12:20

Since I got such a great response to my post yesterday, I decided to take it upon myself to come up with a date and time that you all may agree or disagree with. So I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this coming Sunday, September 25th, from 6pm Pacific until...however the hell long you want to be there. Drop by any time that evening!

Being a bit time-zone challenged, I tried to pick a time that might be reasonable for the majority of us (ie. North Americans)...and okay, because that's when XF used to be on :P But if you Europeans and/or Australians don't like this, then suck it suggest something else!

Some people have asked about IRC clients...I myself am in the process of downloading mIRC from You might find that to your liking, and maybe if people know other clients they could post the specifics in the comments.

I'm also assuming we're still on iobbs, and I'm assuming that iobbs still has a web-based thingy that you can access. Again, if someone could comment with this information, that would be sooper!

Also, if you know of any #xfr people who aren't on either my flist or the #xfr comm flist, feel free to pass this information on to them.

Now I need to go back to work, because I've been following the time-honored #xfr tradition of slacking all morning :D
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