Dec 11, 2004 18:07
ok so yesterday i went to school and i left early cuz i went to the doctors and i had to get 3 shots ughhh then i went to alys with ellen & julie then we went ice skating and saw ryan p. and max! max is soo sweet lol then we met this kid named eric from southbury and all his friends and they were cute and fun so we have plans to meet them again next friday! so yeah haha then today we all just hung out then we went to sam's to do our gym project but jack never came so yeah we juss made our std game and thats about it and now me and aly are here siitin in fron tof the computer on our asses as usual. and tomorrow we have to go to church.. fun... not. then w're going out to lunch or something for aly's birthday!!!! (( happy early birthday skank)) haha ok we are gunna go now bye love ya's