Jan 04, 2005 09:30
uhhhhh. its 9:30 am. I slept threw my morning job.FUCK!
I havnt slept threw my alarm in a long time. It could ofbeen the 8 7 random and extremly loud people my roomate had over at like 1:30 in the morning. when I had allready been asleep for like 20 minnuts. i dont know. I just didnt have the money to go out last night. and I was kinda tired anyways.. so I just stayed in.
I handled myself well I Thought. I didnt yell. I came out and asked people to keep it down.. went back in to my room... Then...when things just simply got louder.. I went back in to the livingroom and just sat there. I thought since I was clearly not getting any sleep.. maybe I could hang out. I lasted about 15 m Tops. i just went back into my room.. where I exchanded angry text messages with the people in my apartment.
honestly.I didnt get to sleep till like... 4. I just laid there thinking about how i had to wake up for work at 4:15. Like, I remember that. I remember thinking " I have like 20 minnuts to sleep". Its just that people were like.. RIGHT NEXT to my bedroom door in the kitchen. Just smoking and drinking. and I wanted to KILL them. I finally passed out and woke up at 8 this morning. Freaking out. The mom I was working for had left me 6 voice mails.
I feel like shit.
I mean. I am a little upset. But.. I know the night wasnt just so simply make me angry.and even though I would most likely ever do this... Now incase I wanted to have like.. say.. 10 people over on a day my roomate has school in the early morning.. I totally can with out feeling bad. at all. < i say this as a joke >
but.. I wouldnt do that. But last night i had a million thoughts running threw my head.. haha.
Even thoug 2 out of the like.. 5 random guys that were here were hot as hell... I just needed to sleep. I felit like a fucking ass.. asking people to shut up.
I guess I am simply a little old lady. I need to get some cats.