Dec 19, 2002 11:24
so i had everything planed and it gets fucked up. i hate getting sick. i have canker soars on my throat. thats really gross.i also cant leave my house becasue im really contagious. the more everyone talks about g-fest the more i want to go but no i cant becasue i have pneumonia. i feel like im dying and it really hurts. another shity thing is i dont like taking pills and all i want right now is vikiton. the phone is ringing but im not aloud to answer it seeing as i cant talk at all.the only thing i have eattin in 3 days is half a cup of pudding this morning. i hate the doctor he makes you wait in a stupid room that smells and lay on a bed fit for a midget wile no blood gets to your legs. and fuck hospitals they are really gay. had 3 shots in my ass and a I.V. in my arm for a hour.