Jun 14, 2005 23:58
i really hate girls that like my b/f and try hiding it.
how much more obvious can it be.
im just waiting for the day when some girl tries taking him away or touching him or anything.
amanda will have a blast that day.
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Alright? Sweet. Now that that's off my chest, I'd like to throw in that you should GET OVER WHAT HAPPENED WITH ME&STEVEN and BOTH of you should LEARN TO TRUST the person you so-called "LOVE".
All you guys do is bitch and moan to each other about how you aren't allowed to talk to or be friends with other dudes/chicks.
I would consider stopping talking to Steven for a while so you can be happy and feel like there are no more threats, but Steven's one of my best friends. I can talk to him about absolutely anything, and easily. And I know you probably don't like that but you need to realize that it is what it is. And just like I nor anybody else can take away what you and Steven have as a couple, nobody can take away what Steven and I have as friends.
Steven and I have both gotten over and FORGOTTEN about whatever him and I had, and I think you need to too. Because it's plain as fucking day that you think I still want him and it's obviously causing problems considering the whole myspace thing. And I know you said you would have been mad if it was ANYBODY, but just the fact that it was me made it so much worse, am I right?
Now my intention is not to start shit but I've wanted to get this off my chest for at least 24 hours. You're a smart girl, keeping your enemies close.
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