Aug 10, 2010 20:34
It's been such a long time.......ha ha, reminded myself of that Boston song "Foreplay". Well, shit. It's been 14 months. Oddly enough, it was my professional life that took more of a hit over that time. My personal life picked up a lot so I guess you can't have both. I took a TDY position in Baltimore in the end of January and it was supposed to be for six months (going through July) but I was asked to stay through September. I'm still with Kelly (probably mentioned her before) and she has changed my life possibly more than any other single person (save my parents and Dr. Huntley). In fact, last weekend at a wedding I asked her father if I could marry her. He said yes so I guess after I finish school (two days to go!!) I will look into the next step. I know it's only been a year and 3 months but they always say you'll just know and with her I feel exactly that. I told her parents that last weekend "She's exactly what I want". We moved in together not too long ago too. I have also stopped seeing Dr. Huntley (he and a co-worker of his came to my graduation). He was my only friend in VA sometimes and without him I don't know if I could have pulled through the bad times as well as I did. Not to mention how much better I know myself and how much stronger I am (the strength came from both he and Kelly though). He always gave me the credit but he's an incredible psychologist and I know he's going to change lots of lives. I think that's enough for now.