Well, A-level results this morning. Wandered into school looking rather tired, battered, worn out, and most of all - terrified. I don't usually get nervous about exams or results or anything of the sort but this morning was indeed a first
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awh miss, i couldnt be more proud of you right now:) yaay my little abbie is off to uniii:d *bounces*
yaay so relieved about everything, after having fits lol.
see you tomorrow for FUNFUN celebrations! we'll do it OUR way:P *giggles*
toodles hun xxx
Dawh.. Abbles is going to miss her Jenna though... you have to visit me - lots! And yes yes, definitely lots of celebrating mañana. I still insist someone must get me a balloon. *pouts*
actually if you ARE good, and i can find somewhere i will:P:D ehehe make it even more obvious were celebrating lol..know where they sell them?
meh i knooow i think i will DIE when you leave! like literally, dont worry i shall deff see you in october it seems:D hehe yaaay so only like less than a month inbetween seeing you:D hehe yaaaay!
Plus you'll have all the *wonderful* people at school to keep you company.. oh how I envy you... *evil grin*
I'd guess they sell them in cheap tacky shops dotted about the place? < makes sure she behaves herself > oh oh oh missy, I NEED to get those photos developed.. if I bring them with me we *have* to go get them done, yes? yes.. ok.. good... =D
but yup if teh abbles is good,you get a balloon...do iiii get one? *pleading look*
haha oki poke if you bring them we can go get them done, sheen went there last week, it closes at like 9-10 or something...
oh JOY thanks abbie! oh im sooo looking forward to next yr now... *dies*
sodd off:(
Dawh, if teh Jenna is good you can have TWO balloons... yes, two! As long as one of them is blue though, you simply must have a blue balloon. I'm sure we could at least attempt to lower ourselves to the status of the local rif-raf (ie. Dan, according to Tina) and try to find a shop of such tackyness =)
And *grmblmumblegrmbl* Nothing wrong with staying in hotel's ... not our fault if we like running water and tv's to watch our german porn. =/
yaaay our german porn! haha what fun they missed out on in their crappy dirty grass covered tents:D heheh tho we did attack them in the end:D hehe
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