Mar 14, 2008 13:00
This week has been bizarre. The days are starting to run together and I am noticing things about my day to day activity that I had not taken the time to notice before. It may be the pot smoking but I’m finding it hard to shake the haze that encompasses my brain. Last night Dan and I were driving to the Nachbar (which I have adopted as my favorite place to get dranks; more on that later) and I was expressing my concern about being out incredibly late and waking up incredibly early. I decided to take it easy and drink a few beers as opposed to mixed drinks to try and defer the hangover symptoms this morning. Well when I woke up 20 minutes late for work with the worst cotton mouth in the world I quickly learned this is not the case. I had an amazing time so it was worth it but my current migraine (which feels like someone has taken that chemistry book that mary todd gave us in high school that weighs about 14 lbs and probably gave us all scoliosis from carrying it around in our backpacks because she insisted that we bring it to class everyday regardless of if we use it, and has been banging it over my head repeatedly for the past 3 hours) is reminding me of why I should never go out to bars on weeknights. Lesson learned.
As Daniel and I were lying in bed last night he suggested we take a weekend trip to Cincinnati. This is a suggestion I am incredibly fond of especially after our “you never want to go anywhere” argument. I love that boy. Love love love him. It should be fun and now I am old enough to go out now I can experience a nightlife other than Louisville’s.
I also have been adding to the “Things I love to do on a regular basis” list, which I created to document what exactly I do with my time. They are as follows:
1. target shopping with daniel
2. watching the boondocks with aaron
3. smoking doja
4. arguing with luke
5. reading trashy magazines
6. dancing with blair(needs to be on a more regular basis than it currently is)
7. youtube-ing
8. making mix cds
9. chasing Edward around the apartment
10. taking a nap with the windows open
11. highlighting things
12. playing burnout
13. eating sushi AT mimosa
14. sending 14 emails a day to Sandra
15. blow rides with karla
to be continued….