
May 01, 2005 14:50

I think i'm having my mid life crisis at 17. Which is sad because that would mean i'm only living til i'm 34, short of my 35th birthday. I have this deep setted feeling that things will not remain the same. You get comfortable with things and they turn numb. Old. Black and white.
I know change is a good thing i'm just going to miss. Although, I don't have's just with fond memories comes missing. I'm glad i have fond memories to miss.

Everything in me is craving for adventure, for change. I just wish I could bring everyone with me. It's a hard thing...growing old and realizing you were quite old all along. You don't want to miss out on anything and yet you miss the things you didn't miss out on because they were pretty and wonderful and a many more great adjectives.

I guess all i know is my memories...and that i'll remember everything. Perhaps i'll drive myself crazy and die at 34, short of my 35th birthday...but i'll still die with my memories.

Unless, of course, i get alzheimers...but we'll just stay ignorant to that possibility.
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