I have a cut on my thumb where I stabbed myself on a mackarel spine. It stings like hell. Me = retard. I also have fading marks of puffin bites on my wrist, but those don't hurt, they just amuse me. :P
On the good side - I got to feed BeeBee! XD
POTC 3 TRAILER!! *screams and runs in circles*
Nooooo! Elizabeth can't marry Will! Maybe that's why she was saying "now's not the best time," so she doesn't have to tell him she's in love with Jack. She tries to kid herself. OMG, ELIZABETH, YOU <3 JACK! The special effects, the Barbossa love, and the monkey!Jack liking pirate!Jack... OMG!SHIP. IS IT MAY 25 YET?!
Oh! And everyone needs to go see
dark-faith366's trailer for "Smile of April"
here!!!! :D
Oh, and one more thing: The Boston Museum of Science needs to STOP POSTING THEIR DAMN POSITIONS on AZA's website. They are never even remotely animal-related, they post like 20 at a time every two days and clog up the whole damn page. It drives me nuts.
That is all I have to report.
ETA: Dude, WTF?! It's snowing. Not sticking, but it's definitely snowing...