Jan 26, 2004 17:34
There was a big blow up at my moms house last night, shit got crazy, her and her bf totally freaked out on me, so naturally i went nuts...i cant believe this shit...i just hate it..ive been put through so much shit throughout my life and it just keeps on coming, things are fine for a while, then im trampled on, and it happens time and time again, it hurts to say it but right now my mom is dead to me...she chooses her boyfriend over her son...its not right, nothing is right, everytime i think things are looking up for me, theres just another obstruction...Feeling this way makes me want to use again...this is horrible, i feel alone in a cruel world, cuz thats the truth, its a cruel world. and when you open up yours eyes, and see through clouded skies, thats when you realize, your all alone.
I got a baby rotweiler named Lil Missy at my moms house, i want to go take it, I fell in love with that dog right away...I miss it...Its eyes reminded me of my old dogs eyes...grrr i need to be a dog napper