Mar 08, 2004 20:18
Well lets see, lets see, where to begin...ummm how about...monday? sure, monday, The vball team had our first game...and we got our ass's handed to us on a platter by John communication, and everyone was nervous as poo....went to checkers with andy and nikki afterwords...scammed them for a free burger, went to a meeting..then today...Had vball practice from 330 till 5...then at 6 we had a game against boca high, lost...BUT there was a large improvement, so its all gravy, ive been crazy busy lately, its unbelievable..oh yeah, saturday i played in a vball tourney with my dad at delray beach...2ND PLACE MY NIGGERS!..things are going farely well...dont have much time for myself but thats alright...ive got skool during the week, and myself and last stance during the weekend...speaking of last stance(my band) things are comin along...we didnt practice this weekend cuz brian got grounded..dumb we should be havin practice this weekend, perfect the new song, and maybe rework the old...we add'd a lead guitarist to add some flavor and all is well in the world of tony....
Highlight of today:
Screaming NATAS(my friends bands name) infront of countless people and giving mitch 2 nice crotch hands in his face in front of a police officer...
Pooper of the day:
Loosing to Boca High...but hey they were all like 6'5..tall mother fuckers they should be stomped on and made into miniture midgets