Title: Left For Dead
Fandom: Angel
Characters: Fred/Wesley
Prompt: #004 Downstairs
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Fred could hear the zombies clawing at the door to the basement.
Notes: Written for
ficlets100. 24/1/14.
Fred could hear the zombies clawing at the door to the basement. A shiver went up her spine as nails and bare, bloody fingers shredded wood. She gasped and stepped back when the zombies forced a hole in the door. Beyond, grey-skinned, rotting corpses like nothing they had fought before, hungrily tried to get to them.
“We don’t have much time,” Wesley told her, unnecessarily.
She nodded and her fingers tightened on her flamethrower.
“Fred, I-”
“Me too,” she said, cutting him off.
Another strip of wood came loose and a zombie hand poked through.
“Let’s do this.”
They fired.