Title: A Goner This Time
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam, Dean
Prompt: thankful for each other
Word Count: 107
Rating: PG
Summary: Sam cocks his gun, takes aim and fires.
Notes: Written for
citymusings. 26/11/12.
Sam cocks his gun, takes aim and fires. The vampire looming over his brother stumbles back and that momentary lapse in control gives Dean the opportunity to pull a bit of loose wire free from the rafters overhead, throw it around the vampire’s neck and pull.
There’s a spray of blood and dust and then Dean looks over at Sam, breathing heavily.
“Thanks, man. I was sure I was a goner this time.”
Sam nods. He’d been sure of it, too, not that he was going to admit it. Instead, he let his lips curl into a small smile. “Any time. That’s what brothers are for, right?”