Title: Ratty Shoes
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Doctor/Donna
Prompt: #003 “Follow me”
Word Count: 283
Rating: G
Summary: She’d misplaced her favourite pair of shoes somewhere on the TARDIS, and had to settle for an old ratty pair for this trip - and it was raining!
Notes: Written for
20_fics. 4/7/12.
“C’mon, Donna! Hurry up.” The Doctor raced on ahead, an excited grin spread over his face.
She wished she could share in his jovial mood, but was having a hard time finding anything positive about the day so far. She’d misplaced her favourite pair of shoes somewhere on the TARDIS, and had to settle for an old ratty pair for this trip - and it was raining!
It was only raining a little bit - spitting, really - but the tiny spray in her face and dampness seeping from the grass into her shoes, not quite soaking her socks, but dampening them all the same, was enough to make her want to head back in the other direction, climb inside the TARDIS and not come out again until the rain stopped.
“Donna! Follow me.”
“I’m coming,” she growled, as he continued to skip along merrily.
She quickened her pace and followed him through the field of grass, past another field of yellow flowers she’d have loved to see if the weather conditions were nicer, and onto the cobblestone streets of the town. They ventured past a number of buildings, old looking things, but in decent repair, and through alleyways, until finally, the Doctor stopped at one particular store.
“Thought you might want a look,” he said, “Before we have lunch.”
She peered past him and through the dusty shop window. “Shoes?”
He nodded and grinned some more. “Can’t have you running about all the time with those hole-filled bits of rubber, can we?”
In spite of herself, she smiled.
“Race you in?” he suggested.
“No,” she said. “But I’ll race you out once I have me a nice new pair of running shoes!”