Title: Sleepy Head
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: Sam/Cam
Prompt: Christmas tree
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Notes: Written for
tiredmomof2. 16/12/09.
“Morning, sleepy head. It’s Christmas.” Sam smiles at his tousled appearance. His hair is mussed up and tufts of it stick out in every possible direction. The pillow he’s resting upon has a spot of drool on it just below where his cheek is imprinted into the fabric.
Cam lifts his head and looks up at her, bewildered. “Christmas?”
She nods. “Yup.”
Blinking a few times, he drags a hand through his hair. He yawns.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” he jumps out of bed without warning. Grinning idiotically. “Lets’ see what Santa left under the tree!”