Title: One Eye Open
Fandom: The X Files
Characters: Doggett
Prompt: #005 Sleep with one eye open
Word Count: 305
Rating: T+
Summary: He can’t shake the feeling that something is watching him.
Notes: Written for
10_per_genre. 15/10/09.
He can’t shake the feeling that something is watching him.
Not someone.
The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end and he can feel each one, sense it, as if his entire body is alight with the prickling sensation of a thousand microscopic threads on his skin.
He blinks. Darts his eyes around, searching the darkness.
Nothing is there but the feeling stays strong.
Something is watching him. Maybe it’s the monster or whatever Monica said it was (he can’t remember what she called it) from their case, the reason why he’s here and the reason he’s been stranded in the forest.
He cautiously lowers himself to the dirt, ignoring how the dank smell of it fills his nostrils. He shifts slightly, making no noise. He clamps his eyes shut a moment and listens. Silence.
This is no time for heroics and tracking down the monster. He is ill prepared for such a situation. And so, he waits, keeps listening to the night. He hears nothing but his own ragged breathing and it’s the loudest thing he’s ever heard.
Settling further into the dirt, he cracks an eye open. For now, he appears to be safe. He closes his eyes again and attempts to get some rest, though he doesn’t allow himself to sleep.
He is still certain that he’s being watched.
By morning he’s tired as hell (he couldn’t help but jerk to alertness at every snap of a twig) but he doesn’t care. He made it through the night. He survived. And knowing what might be out there, amongst the trees, makes surviving the night an achievement of which he can be proud.
He starts planning a return the next night, but with back up and supplies. Next time it’ll be the monster keeping one eye open all night.