Title: A Time for Everything
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Doctor/Donna
Prompt: time
Word Count: 289
Rating: G
Summary: There was a time for everything and a time for nothing.
Notes: Written for
time_converges. 15/12/11.
There was a time for everything and a time for nothing. Everything in existence had its place and its reasons and everything meant something, while at the same time none of it, nothing, mattered, not even slightly.
Why this moment should be any different, she didn't know. Maybe it was the improbability of the situation they were in, or the fact that it felt so. damn. good. All she knew was that nothing should feel that good, that sensitive to the touch and all nerves on end, firing impulses and heat and passion.
But somehow, it was all of that and more. Somehow, the moment escaped the physics of time itself and lived in a completely different time stream of its own.
Somehow it was perfect, and somehow it was the worst thing she had done, oh so wrong and dirty and bad, but also somehow right.
Her lips quirked up at the corners and she looked into the Doctor's warm chocolate eyes.
"Donna?" he said. "All right?"
She smiled wider and then gave him a small shrug. She could answer him in many ways. She could tell him that she was caught wondering about the philosophical meanings behind all of this, or she could tell him that she was fine. She could tell him she was hungry. She could tell him every single thought in her head.
In the end she simply said, "Time is an odd thing, isn't it?" and leaned in to kiss him again before he could answer. There was no point in hurting his pretty head over her nonsensical ponderings - and after all, it wasn't often she had a naked spaceman in her bed (at least, it wasn't often in this timeline. yet).