Title: Tomorrow Night
Fandom: The X Files
Characters: Doggett/Reyes
Prompt: #010 Eyes
Word Count: 357
Rating: PG
Summary: She sat in the darkness, quiet music fading into the background and dogs barking off in the distance.
Notes: Written for
She sat in the darkness, quiet music fading into the background and dogs barking off in the distance. Her eyes stung from lack of sleep (sleep had been a luxury these past few days) and yet she knew that even if she tried, she wouldn’t be able to sleep.
The day’s events kept playing over and over in her mind, set on repeat like a video documentary piece in a museum.
John squeezed her hand gently, and looking into her eyes, he said the words she’d been longing to hear for years.
“We should do something sometime,” he told her. “You and me. You know, outside of work.” He smiled almost shyly at her and ran his free hand through his hair.
“As a date, you mean?” she asked.
John nodded in confirmation. “As a date.”
She considered him for a moment.
Was he really ready for a relationship with her beyond what they had now? Was she?
They had spent so much time together as friends and co-workers… Would it even be possible for them to move past that? Would it ultimately be worth it?
She wasn’t sure.
Realizing she hadn’t answered him, she offered him a warm smile. “Sure, John. I’d love to go out with you sometime.” Her gaze dropped to their joined hands as it hit her.
This was really happening.
They were actually moving forwards.
John grinned and she felt her insides melt at once. “Are you free tomorrow night?” he asked.
“As a matter of fact, I am.”
She sighed and flicked on the light, blinking as its brightness cut through the darkness. Sleep obviously wasn’t coming to her any time soon. There was no point in denying it, and so she climbed out of bed and made her way to the couch, grabbing the remote on her way and flipping the TV on.
The anticipation she felt for the next night was strong and it wasn’t til an hour and a half later that she fell asleep with John on her mind and no recollection of the TV program that blared at her from the screen.