Title: Gasping For Breath
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: River
Prompt: #071 Cold
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Soon it will be so cold that they will freeze.
Notes: Written for
ficlets100. 9/1/10. Tag to ‘Out Of Gas’. Mentions of death.
It’s cold. So very cold. Soon it will be so cold that they will freeze.
The human body will slowly shut itself down and death will come.
Death will free them all.
They will not die gasping for breath as the oxygen leaves. They will not suffer.
It will be a quiet death. A relatively painless death. (They’ll slip into unconsciousness before there’s any pain to be felt.)
There’ll be nothing left for them in the ‘verse and they will have no reason to hold on anymore.
They can slip out of their bodies and let their spirits soar.