Title: She Was A Hero
Fandom: NCIS
Characters: Tony/Kate, Ducky
Prompt: #001 Hero
Word Count: 178
Rating: T+
Summary: "She was a hero, our Kate was," Ducky murmurs.
Notes: Written for
50scenes. 18/08/08. Tag to "Twilight".
"She was a hero, our Kate was," Ducky murmurs. "She could have hesitated for one moment before putting her life on the line for Jethro, but she didn't. She very well might have saved his life. And that next bullet? That next bullet should not have been hers. She didn't deserve to die. She didn't deserve any of this Ari business."
He hands Tony a heavy silver instrument that Tony can only imagine the purpose of.
"You should go home and get away from all of this," Ducky continues, jabbing the air with another of his tools. "You should take some time to grieve. I know how close you too were."
Tony swallows and shakes his head. "If it's okay with you, I'd rather stay. I can't... I can't deal with this right now. I need to see this guy, this bastard who killed her, caught."
Ducky glances at him, concern in his eyes. "Don't we all."
Swiping tears from his cheeks, Tony waves Ducky on. "So, our Kate was a hero," he manages.
"Oh, that she was..."