Title: Disastrous Outcomes (aka Why Not To Cop A Feel Of Your Boss)
Fandom: House MD
Characters: House/Cuddy
Prompt: #010 Cemetery
Word Count: 196
Rating: G
Summary: He might as well have laid their relationship to rest.
Notes: Written for
20_fics. 3/12/08. Tag to ‘5x10 Let Them Eat Cake’.
He might as well have laid their relationship to rest. He might as well have buried it deep down beneath the decaying soils of the local cemetery, flattened the top with a shovel to compact the dirt.
Of course it would have been disastrous if he hadn’t copped a feel. It would have meant displaying his emotions, how he really feels, and god knows that can only be a bad thing. Nothing good has ever come of allowing the most private of his feelings to surface.
The only other option was to have flat out lied to her and that again would have killed his chance of actually having something with Cuddy. He’d be in exactly the same situation, pondering the outcome he was now living.
Their ‘war’ was at a shocking standstill because of him.
Their war.
Of course!
He’d been planning on reconstructing Cuddy’s office in retaliation to her removing all of his furniture. Perhaps instead he could use it to his advantage, to show her without all those humiliating words exactly what he felt.
Yes. Yes, that was brilliant.
He smiled as he recalled the desk Cuddy had in storage from Med school…