Title: Karma Strikes Back
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Doctor/Donna
Prompt: #001 Look over your shoulder
Word Count: 197
Rating: G
Summary: “What the hell is that?!” Donna hisses all of a sudden.
Notes: Written for
7rainbowprompts. December 23.
“What the hell is that?!” Donna hisses all of a sudden, staring past him at... something.
He narrows his eyes in confusion and shrugs. “What’s what?”
She gestures wildly with one hand. “That! Look over your shoulder!” Her lips press together to form a thin line. It worries him and makes his stomach flip irrationally.
Must be something big, he deduces, and at once he spins around to look behind him. He squints. He strains his eyes. He sees nothing out of the ordinary.
When he turns back to Donna, she is raising a cookie - his cookie - to her mouth. She stops at once and sits still. Very still.
“Donna,” he warns.
“Doctor,” she says back no less firmly.
“There was nothing there, was there?”
He stares intently at the cookie in her hand.
“Actually, yes,” she announces. “There was something. And there it is again! Do you see it?”
He glances around and again there is nothing. He looks at Donna and then his plate. Another cookie is missing.
He smiles wickedly to himself.
“I think it’s behind you now,” he informs her and when she looks, bewildered, he steals back two of her cookies.