#000 Icing On The Cake (Sam/River)

Dec 23, 2008 13:03

Title: Icing On The Cake
Fandom: Firefly/Supernatural
Characters: River/Sam
Prompt: #000 frosting
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Notes: Written for darkmagic_luvr. Christmas drabble. November 30.

Sam quirks an eyebrow when River pokes her head around the door and he sees the brown substance on her face. It is thick and all over her. It’s around her mouth.

She squints back at him, expressionless.

“What happened?” Sam asks, his lip curling up ever so slightly. He drags a hand through his hair.

“Had to see,” River explains. She tilts her head to the side and stares eerily at him.

“Icing on the cake. Frosting. I had to test it.”


“I’m sorry.”

Sam studies her and then sighs. “You ate Kaylee’s brithday cake?”

“Only the frosting.”

sam winchester/river tam, sam winchester, firefly, !crossover, river tam, supernatural, supernatural/firefly

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