Mar 15, 2005 20:51
My last weekend was pretty fun.
On friday I went up to subway with Matt, Travis, and Adam and than i went to snowcoming. Snowcoming was soo awesome. I danced (well if you'd call it dancing) a lot and had tons of fun. I drank like 2 Energy drinks there so i was pretty much hyper for most of it. : )
It was awesome. After snowcoming i went over to Matt's house with shane, wilson, Lisa, and Ashley(lisa's cousin). We didn't do much except for talk and than watch a movie (even though no one was really paying attention cause we were so tired.
I guess that we kinda messed up Matt's room and lost his $50 dollar check which took him like an hour to find. Sorry about that Matt... (and i'm really sorry for scratching your bass).
Saturday I pretty much did nothing all day except for going to the movies at night. We saw Be Cool because Brittany wanted to and wow it was horrible. But we still had fun.
Sunday we had a band practice which went pretty good. We got part of a song done which is pretty cool. Except i need a part for most of it.
Other than that nothing else really happened.
Good weekend
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