Commander-in-pretty much

Jun 21, 2007 04:10

Your Favorite Trapper's Favorite Rapper,

Adam Johnson inspired me to rant/blog. Watch this video before reading further.

Most people like to talk about how freaking dumb President Bush, as I like to call him, is, but Jiminy Christmas, I love how this man talks. He may be dumb, he may be slightly evil, or at least serve an evil agenda/family/empire, but the dude has a great voice/personality. If he lived down the street from me and made an "honest living" selling cars/sofas, teaching PE, or contracting construction, I'd be the first one to stop over for his neighborhood cook-outs. I probably wouldn't trust him with my kids, but I'd take his advice on pick-up trucks.

"Bono came in and dropped his new IPod on me."

I've never said something so clearly cool while also giving such a transparent insight into my cadence/vocabulary/history. The motherfucker talks clear, his only problem, other than of course being the President of the United States of America, is that people constantly criticize his speech and as a result he tries to speak "presidentially" instead of naturally.
I'm [somewhat] alright with the death of the great voices of our leaders, nowadays I don't expect JFK or Winston Churchill. Can't we let a man speak in his dialect as long as he does it with an intelligence befitting his position in life. Maybe he'd be able to construct a sentence if people weren't always correcting him and forcing to speak in an unnatural manner. In our 24 hour news/reality television laced world, do you expect President Bush to have a speech written about his IPod [granted, this stupid ass interview should not exist], or even be able to speak intelligently about it, why would he be able to... he's talking about BULLSHIT. The media cares 75% about what celebrities are doing, the President being the celebrity-in-chief, and 25% about what actually effects human beings and their livelihood.

...and anyways, as eloquent and pretty as "presidential speech" may sound, we must admit that it is an antiquated cadence to expect to hear; our taste in "great speech" has clearly not evolved (taste in what constitutes a classic doesn't evolve I guess, that's why they're classics.

[e.g.: "the greatest writer of the English language" ... really, are you sure. Is it not pedantic, childish, and stupid to like things and dub them as classic because one doesn't really understand them. Not understand meaning, the writing or dialect is completely obscured/muddled by the passage of time and the evolution of language.
There are many reasons Shakespeare's work doesn't elicit critical praise when it's translated into modern parlance, one being that the writing, like everything else, is not the greatest thing ever. If the Bible was "translated" into our modern language, and the symbology annotated and explained, it would most likely not effect people as much as it has and does.
That's a another topic, obviously, and I'm not one to complain/talk about religion, but I prefer the idea of a living religion corresponding to a living dialect. The Talmud scholars are doing something right by constantly interpreting and studying the Jewish faith and the Torah.])

Purple prose entertains people, partly through burying the listener or reader in a superfluous overuse of language. I feel somewhat ill that as a country, world and people we emphasize the importance of sentence structure and delivery, rather than the content contained within.

All this said, I do enjoy a Shakespeare play every now and then, I think the Bible is an amazingly interesting piece of work, and I believe President Bush is the least effective and most harmful President that has been in office in my lifetime. I do not follow his foibles and major flaws, cause like a good American I pay little attention to what my representative officers do.

I would vote for and support Bushwick Bill if he affected positive change in our country.
In my day to day life, I often value words over deeds, but always whilst understanding that the weight and importance of a deed is far far greater.

The triple beam scale is the real way to separate powers,

P.S.: M.O.P. for Congress.
P.P.S.: I just typed a bunch of words. Ha HA!!!
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