Blerghhhh. I feel like things are all wrong, but I can't put a finger on what they are. I'm exhausted.
dafjkdklajdfkljaklfj I need to send in my college application tomorrow. No, I'm not super nervous to the point of being physically ill. Why do you ask?
hoorah, dressing up for school tomorrow. I'm going ala second season Pam and being a cat.:] So creative.
Speaking of which~~~
Mmmmm, this was a nice episode. Definitely enjoyable. It really showed some good points in Michael. He normally pisses me off a lot, but I liked him in this episode.
Jim is fiestier than ever. I don't really like him as a boss. He sort of just keeps fucking up. It's not the right job for him at all. He's super smart, competent, and good with people generally, but being in command isn't right for him. He seemed really awkward and out of place the enitre episode. I do like the friendship that's blooming between him and Michael though. They sort of balance each other out.
Yesssssssss! to Pam this episode. I was worried after last week's episode that she was going to be crazy and bitchy and whatever, but this episode renewed my love for her. She's really a sweet, sweet girl when all's said and done. She doesn't even like andy all that much, yet she puts in a good word for him to Erin. Yay that she's starting to show though! I'm so happy she and Jim are having a baby.
Oh, which reminds me- Erin. Lol. She's so freaking cute. She's so not like Pam and that's kinda nice. She's really different from everyone else in the office: she's naive and happy and trusting and it's refreshing. It's cute how she thinks she can't do anything without Michael's permission. Mad props to the actress- many would be horribly annoying, but she makes it somehow endearing.
I'm really glad the ensemble was in it a lot more. Last week, they were hardly there at all and this week they were cracking jokes left and right. Definitely good to see. The writers have obviously still got it.:]