HELP! VERY IMPORTANT! Not a survey or chain. PLEASE READ!

Mar 21, 2006 01:03

Okay so, here's the deal.
I need touring experience, SERIOUSLY.
I want to get into tour management and promotions but I've only got the promotions side of that down. I desperately need any experience I can get so if that means selling merch or doing whatever you need done, I am willing to help at no cost to you.

If you are a band that will be touring this summer and needs someone to tag along and sell merch and/or a record label who needs help with tour marketing and is willing to let me go on tour as just an unpaid intern OR you know of anyone who needs help, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

I am 100% sure you are reading this and laughing it off thinking that I am like the other thousands of kids who all the sudden think it's cool to want to be a tour manager and just want to do it to say they are friends with bands but those kids piss me off! They are the people ruining my dream and making it look like a joke. This is something I've wanted to do for almost FIVE YEARS, this is my life. This is no laughing matter. I know nothing else. This is my only plan. If this falls through, I'll be at Ciccanti's Ristorante' making salads and doing prep work for the REST OF MY LIFE! I can't let my dream get away from me. The thought of me not getting into the music business makes me ill, literally. To imagine me doing anything that doesn't involve music just scares the hell out of me. I wouldn't have started promoting bands when I was 12 if I didn't believe in it, if I didn't love what I was doing.

And don't think I am saying I am the only person who sincerely wants into the business, because that is not what I am saying. I know a few people who truly want this as well.

I don't really know what I am saying right now but I do know that I can waste 100,000 grant on schooling to go for Sport, Arts, and Entertainment Management but when it's all said and done that means absolutely NOTHING to anyone who is going to hire me if I have NO experience.

So all I am asking is that if you know of anyone who can help me or you can help me, please let me know! I would appreciate it a lot!

Oh and just a note, not that I am trying to be picky or anything because I have no room whatsoever to be picky but I’m hoping to tour with a younger but more experienced band. A group of nice people who don’t necessarily surround themselves with and/or live off of drugs and alcohol. I am in no way judging you if you do these things, I personally do not care what other people do with their lives as long as they are dedicated, passionate, and/or awesome people. I just don’t want to put myself in a situation where I am left feeling uncomfortable. And I’m not so much talking about alcohol but I am talking about drugs. If I wanted to be left in an uncomfortable situation night after night, then I would hang out up on the hill in my town after dark or at the end of Wood Street with the drug dealers =] Thaaaanks, again!

And for my PPU loves...I'm more than likely not coming back in the fall.

It just costs way too much money. There is no reason for me to pay $24,000(soon to be $26,000) a year to major in a program that doesn't even have a graduating class yet. And I'm just not excited about this school anymore. My major classes are awesome but the rest suck.

Upper class kiddies should have registered for Fall classes already...but I didn't register.
The only classes I was excited for were Business Law and Sport, Arts, and Entertainment Public Relations. That's it and I need at least 12 credits to be considered a full time student. I dunno and I was also worried I wouldn't be motivated to do all the work those 2 classes would included and then that would be so much money wasted on nothing.

My problem is I can't focus. I can't get interested in my classes unless they tie music or entertainment into them. It's sad but it's the way I work.

I also work much better hands on than I do with books. I mean, I was a high honors student in high school but that was Clairton, you never really had to try hard.

I love the friends I have made here, you guys mean so much to me! I never really thought anyone would be upset if I were to not come back and to see people actually care makes me sad, mainly because I have been a horrible person to some of my friends here but it’s not that I ever did it intentionally. It’s just that I don’t do well around large groups of people. And when I say large groups of people I mean, large groups of people I know. I get intimidated and shy and I don’t like being like that so I try to distance myself and keep it to a max of 4 other people besides myself and not all the time. I am weird and I hope everyone will forgive me sooner or later.

I never said I was a good friend, I just always hoped I would be. So I hope that in some way or another I showed you even the slightest bit of friendship in a positive manor. And I apologize for all the misunderstandings, rudeness, and confusion that was done on my part.

Like I said, every friend I have made here has been nothing but amazing towards me and I love you all so much for it. The semester isn’t over yet, we still have time. And I only live 25 minutes away! You would be LUCKY if you could keep me away ;]

I'm calling all my oldest friends,
Saying "sorry for this mess we're in"

Friends stay side by side,
In life and death you've always stole my heart,
You've always meant so much to me, it's hard to believe
So much to me, it's hard to believe
So much to me, it's hard to believe this.

When I hear "Winter" by Bayside I think of Jontee' and all my friends. All of you, whether we go back to pre-school or last week, your friendship means the world to me. And I thank you for even taking just a moment to try and get to know me.

I love all of you even if I don't say it all the time or hardly at all. I am saying it now.

♥ Andrea
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