(no subject)

Mar 26, 2004 22:54

So today was good. I guess. Got up really early. Didn't want to. Nothing I could do to help it. Sleep doesn't come too easy anymore. Oh well. Went with Matt to get Mel's present. She'll love it.

Matt Mel and I went to Cheeburger Cheeburger for lunch and we finally figured out why the sign in there says "anhing" without a "t" it was because it was proofed wrong haha... okay the great mystery is solved. Anyways, Matt went to work and Mel and I met up with my friend Danielle. Mel and Danielle and I entertained oursleves for a little while around here and then decided we wanted some ices and journeyed on over to Rosies... poor guy must be sick of me and Mel.. we're there way too often.

Mel and I played a game tonight ( we made it up ) a few of you might know of it because we called you to ask for a direction.. We named the game "Beauitful Destination" inspired by the MAE cd known as "Beauitful Destination" So anyways, the way we play is we get in the car.. and one of the people in the car picks a main street and a direction. Then the dirver goes there.. For intense I chose Sheridan street east.. We started driving then we called Kristin... we asked her to give us a direction choices being ::right, left, or straight:: She chose right we went right drove a little and called Ana... Left... we went left.. get the idea.. anyways it is definatley a way to settle boredom. and it was fun till we ended up in a bad area out in Hollywood after my dad chose left... =/ oh well..

Then Mel and I picked up Kristin..we drove over to the movies and saw "Jersey Girl" GREAT MOVIE!!!!! Then they got picked up by Matt and I came in to see my parents and do a bunch of nothing. Tomarrow work ALL day and Danielle's party at night. Can't wait.. But what do I get Danielle?????? Well I am off to do god knows what. Maybe read, Maybe clean my room.. Maybe even eat. I'm starving!!! =( Okay. Till then..
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