Dec 09, 2005 22:01
A Friday Night
and im all alone feeling miserable
i should be out with my friends having fun
but where are my friends? in my mind, perhaps?
too bad i couldnt work tonight, i wish i could have, so i would not have to sit alone waiting for someone to save me. he wont save me. and i dont care.
what the fuck.
i wish i was tired, too
i also wish many other things, but if i say them, then they wont come true....
who am i writing this to? i am the only one who reads this piece of shit. i guess i am writing this just for the hell of it
i dont have to watch what i say, because no one reads this..i can write whats on my mind...
whats on my mind? hmmmm...i wish i was a better person. and i wish i wasnt so empty.
i hope sleep comes soon, so i can retreat into its peaceful bliss, oh how i love sleep.