Nov 07, 2004 14:15
Looking at the box of crap given back to me makes me sad. Try to hide the pain by hiding the box, doesn't work well....
thinking about extending my tribal. have always wanted to but now i'm actually considering coving my entire back.
model scouts are stupid. to think me, a model?
lovely liisa stopped by. made me so happy.
i wish i worked more but at a better paying job. oh well at least i have semi fun at the topic.
i slept 13 hours yesterday.
last night made me happy. real talk about real things in my car at 3am with a smart person, whom i love, is amazing.
i don't want to go downstairs. my brother is down there. new expensive furniture is down there. i bet it's ugly. judging by the new rug they put down yesterday it must be.
blah i bet john fell back asleep. we need to live together already. if only he would say so.