still looking for a beta! :)

Apr 24, 2013 14:03

Hi everyone! I am still looking for a second beta (mostly to spot plot holes and grammar monstrosities)
if anyone is interested. Below an excerpt from the Fic….

Get in touch if you feel like sponsoring a helpless fic :)

“I can’t do this anymore, Scully.” His voice flows in a breathy huff.

The look in her eyes quickly shifts from understanding, to hurting to something resembling bubbling rage.

She remains contained, expressing anger in the only way she knows, compactly. Her eyes flare at him and he looks on, engaging her in a silent battle of minds as the slow high wind slowly rocks the long branches of the trees around them, knocking leaves onto the sidewalk and making dust fly in twirls.

“We're partners, Mulder,” she hisses and he looks down as she follows his eyes with hers.
Her shoulders sink a few inches in despair as she imperceptibly leans closer.

“After all you said to me you can just quit like that?”

He looks up to her, and his eyes narrow in a sorrowful glance towards her slumped figure. He desperately wants to say something, something smart, something useful, something meaningful, but his guilt leaves room for no words, no witty comeback could make a single shred of difference anyway.
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