Queen for another day.

May 11, 2005 16:25

Yesterday was enjoyable. Thank you Ashley for making it possible for me to come to a Blue Jays game I had a blast!

I got downtown early so I could check out The Rex, the restaurant/bar/Jazz Cafe where I want to have my birthday. I found it and talked to the people there in like 5 mins, so that left me with about 3 hours to wander by myself on Queen Street. The good thing about me going downtown alone is my amazing talent for getting lost, which I did several times of course, it's just a given, always happens, I've learned to live with it. I can get lost in Wal-Mart, it's true ask Janet.

I decided on my wanderings to enter a store called the friendly stranger which I haven't been inside since I was in high school. The reason for this being that the Friendly Stranger is a marijuana supply shop. The Friendly Stranger is stocked with a wide selection of rolling papers, pipes, bongs, hookahs, and other paraphenalia. The first bong I see was a round, yellow smiley bong. It' creepy...... they are following me everywhere.

Hod Dogs are yummy.

From Queen Street I walked to Union Station to meet Ashley for the game, when I saw her I was like "OMG A YORKIE A YORKIE!!!!" I miss my Yorkies:(
The Game was awesome, the sound system the skydome has makes the little breaks inbetween innings fun, because you can dance. Ashley's friends are cool easpecially Bradon! Toronto won!! woot woot! against the Kansas City Royals "Go Royals Go! Go Royals Go! Get off the field get on the plane! Go Royals Go!" The best sign all night was one that said: "You're not in Kansas anymore so take Toto and go home!"

After the game, we all when home again :( Ashley to Misssaugaland and me to Slowville. (Stouffville).

I applied to be a Founders Frosh Boss, I don't care what College I'm at as long as I get to experience Frosh Week again. FU loves you. FU loves you....
Peace out

"Will there be pie?" -Jeremy
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