What is important?

Jan 27, 2004 18:43

Before i got my headache, and too kthe first nap ive taken in months, i had to go to my grandmas to teach her how to use the computer. Shes very very low and cautious. Shes afraid of making the computer implode by hitting the wrong buttons. I guees our generation takes the ease of tachnology use for gratned. It was more enlighteneing than anything to see the problems she has. The main one is, she doesnt understand the concept. She doesnt understand the reasons and that windows runs from DOS. She rotates the mouse with her hand, and all that does is make it go little loops, like circles on crack.
Anyway, after an hour a half of that, i was on my way home. I got to thinking, because of something someone told me over the weekend, what-that we do or experience- is most important to us. I began to think it would be memories of events and people, and as i did i pictured not having one. Even though it wasnt fully possible, it was scary how lost i felt. Not knowing anything about myself is horrible, and makes me wish we could make an Alheimers(i know) fund instead of maintingin our current foreign policy. I dont know, though, is that what keeps me alive, or is it a pursuit of something. Although how would i pursue something if i had nothing behind me to use as my ignition. then i realized i was in the school zone and had to slow down, cuz the old decrepid cop was doing something i think he lieks to call waving at me. then i went home.

"Every minute you think about tomorrow is a minute you wasted not thinking about today" -Lennon (i think)

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