Poohsrule: he is a piece of work if i've ever seen one
Poohsrule: its like ok shit or get off the pot..
yet another stupid survey
I am: lonely
I love: sleeepp
I fear: never being happy :(
I hope:finish a summer reading book
I have: two eyes
I crave: ----
I regret: nothing
I cry: when i'm sad
I care: alot. more than i should
I always: work
I believe: in a thing called love, well no actually
I listen: eminem, right now
I sing: badly and loudly
I write: on paper
I dance: gangsta style
I learn: stuff
I feel: irritated
I know: nothingl
I say: wassup son
I dream: enough
I wonder: where i went wrong
I want: some ass. i mean....
I've got: boobs and some ketchup, sounds like a party to me
I fell: outta my chair :-x
I need: change this station.
[Four beverages you drink frequently...]
1: iced tea.
2: soda
3: ice coffee.
4: water
[four things to do when you're bored...]
1: these
2: internet.
3: tv
4: outside
[Four things that never fail to cheer you up...]
1: my friends
2: Human contact.
3: Food
4: Shopping
[About two years ago I...]
1: i had no boobs
2: was practicing for nubias thing!
3: didnt have a job
4: was obsessed with the gayest person ever.
[About one year ago I...]
1: was doing the same things
2: liked my job .
3: was in the dark about most things, lol
4: liked chris. oh god.
[Today I...]
1: worked
2: got mad, some more
3: itched my boob.
4: slept
[4 things you dislike...]
1: Unhappiness
2: Alcoholics.
3: Boys
4: Boredom
[Four vacations you have taken...]
1: Cape Cod with the Family
2: NH with Kerri x2
3: Stop and Shop with my dad
4: Connecticut with the Family
[Your favorite...]
gum: i just blanked out on the name.
restaurant: Friendly's
drink: Lipton Ice Tea
season: Spring
type of weather: Cool/Warm
emotion: HAPPYY
thing to do on a half day: Go home .
late-night activity: oh, you know :)
city: NYC.
store: whatever
[The last...]
time you cried: like yesterday, YEAH WHAT
time you laughed: sometime today
time you hugged someone: uhh idk
time you felt depressed: today
time you felt overworked: uh this morning haha
word you said: bye
thing you ate: hot dogs
thing you drank: juice
song you listened to: dont remember.
place you went to: good ol DD
movie you saw: Spiderman 2!
song that was stuck in your head: Modest Mouse
person that called you: Seanna
tv Show you watched: Urrr .
person you were thinking of: BLAH
[About your...]
piercings: 4 and hopefully 6 soon
tattoos: nada
height: 5'7 or something
hair color: Dark Brown
siblings: 3 only 1 really though
natural hair color: brown
hair color currently:brown
eye color at birth: Blue.
eye color currently: Blue/green
glasses/contacts: neither
birthdate: April 28, 1987
sign: Taurus. word up hoes down
current Age: 17. aint it lovely
siblings names: Rob, Michael, Pat
school: Shea High (stays high)
current grade: gonna be a senior. 05 what whatttt
college plans: frightening.