The Old and Homeless X-Men Fan Fiction Archive Project

Feb 02, 2014 04:58


I'm currently in the process of setting up a legacy archive and database for older and homeless X-Men fan fics. With the The Old and Homeless X-Men Fan Fiction Archive (OHXFFA) project, I'm trying to give rare or long-lost fics a chance to be read and enjoyed once more.

If you had a story archived on any X-Men site in the 90s to early 2000s or you just have a hidden rare fic gem stashed somewhere, I'd love to include it on the site. And if you ran an archive during this period, I'd love to hear from you too.

For archiving permission reasons, I'm also looking for the working contact details of any writers from the CFAN heydays.

Please feel free to pm or e-mail me at ohxffa(at)gmail(dot)com.

The OHXFFA can only grow with the aid of the community. :o)

Thank You,

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