Jan 24, 2005 17:42
so these up coming weeks should be great alot going on this week alone, tomorrow and wedneday going to do some numbskull shows,slo tomorrow with kool kieth,and weds. at jerry's pizza with zoa, then come home on thursday to hang outwith my brutal buddies, and hopefully have a show for them that night,and might posibly go with them for the few shows the have and come back on sunday for the loft show, i also got inveted by kevin to go to vegas this weekedn for a fadded grey reunion show, so i might dothat, if i end up doing none of that ill be able to work an agry samoans show on sat. then next week is gonna be grazy il be gone most if not all next week doing numbskull shows, we got odust mouse, coming, yes i get to hang out with them, then doing two shows with thrice, not my favorite band but it will be cool to hang out with them.so il be gone til the 5th and then on the 7th one of dreams will come true ahhah that sounds gay, but im gonna be able to meet ian mackaye and amy farina who are the evens, yes im so stoaked on this. so hopefully it all works out and im totally gonna crap myself when i meet ian.oh yeah i might be getting ajob at an itailian resturant washing dishes, sweet a job . ok peace yall.